

After a year of adventure and the unexpected, we’re back at our home in the US. We are settling into a life that is both familiar and unsettlingly different. I’ve gained some new perspectives over the past year, and I wonder whether they will endure: Friends and family For the first time since last December, […]


The Longest Day?

August 15th was 43 hours long. For us, anyway. Time zones are weird. We had always planned to return home in August. Our original dream was to spend two weeks on a beach in Hawaii before a triumphant homecoming with family and friends. Like everything else in 2020 that didn’t turn out as planned! In […]


Auckland redux

Our last stop in New Zealand was Auckland. We arrived back in Auckland in early August, planning to see more of the city and to prepare for our journey back to the US. Things did not go as planned. Everything started out OK. We visited the Auckland Zoo, where we saw some critters that we […]


Northland & the Far North

Since we’d seen the southern part of the South Island, we figured we should also see the northern part of the North Island (Northland). We split the long drive from Waitomo into two parts, stopping in the small city of Whangārei for a couple of nights before heading up to the small town of Kaitaia. […]



From Taupo we drove the short distance north to the town of Rotorua. Rotorua is Taupo’s bigger, more-famous sibling. Sort of a Queenstown of the North Island, it’s known for outdoor pursuits. As we drove out of Taupo, we wrinkled our noses and started to worry that someone was having tummy problems. Then we realized […]